Results for 'Yar Ali Kurd Firuzjaei'

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  1. Güney Kore, Japonya, Yeni Zelanda Ve Finlandiya' Da Öğretmen Yetiştirme Ve Atama Politikaları.Yar Ali Mete - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):859-859.
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    (1 other version)Kitāb Khiṭaṭ al-ShāmKitab Khitat al-Sham.Philip K. Hitti & Muhammad Kurd-'Ali - 1926 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 46:321.
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    Crimes of Terrorism on Innocent Iraqis from to : A Semiotic Study.Ali Haif Abbas & Enas Naji Kadim - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (1):187-206.
    Terrorist organisations have increased and widened in Iraq in particular and the world in general in recent years. People have suffered a lot from these terrorist organisations due to their thirst for killing innocent civilians. The study aims to convey the suffering of innocent Iraqis caused by terrorist acts to the world. In order to achieve the aim, the research adopted Barthes’s framework to analyse the selected photographs. The researchers have selected iconic photographs for the analysis. The photographs are taken (...)
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    Shariah Governance in Turkey: A Case Study on In-Bank Advisory Committees.İsmail Bektaş & Ali Can Yeni̇ce - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:29-60.
    Bu çalışma, Türkiye’deki Şer’i yönetişim aktörlerinden olan banka içi danışma komitelerinin Şer’i yönetişimdeki yeri ve önemini keşfetmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu minvalde nitel araştırma desenlerinden olan durum çalışması tercih edilmiş ve 5 danışma komitesi üyesi ve 2 danışma komitesi başkanıyla yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Mülakatlar neticesinde toplam 625 dakikalık ses kayıtları elde edilerek çözümlenmiş ve 85 sayfalık metin elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen metinler ve görüşme notları ATLAS.ti programı aracılığıyla analiz edilerek BİDK, Şer’i yönetişim ve Merkezi Danışma Kurulu olmak üzere 3 ana tema (...)
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    Adududdin el-Îcî ve Ali Kuşçu Tartışması: Ontoloji Tartışması Kipler Mantığının Bir Devamı mıdır?Ömer Türker - 2024 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 10 (2):1-19.
    Adududdin el-Îcî, el-Mevâkıf adlı eserinde kelamın umûr-ı âmme bahsinde incelenen zorunluluk, imkân ve imkânsızlık kavramlarının mantığın kipli önermeler bahsinde ele alınan zorunluluk, imkân ve imkânsızlık olmadığını iddia eder. Gerek Seyfeddin Ebherî, Cürcânî, Hasan Çelebi gibi el-Mevâkıf’ın şârih ve muhaşşileri gerek Tecrîd geleneğinin meşhur muhaşşileri gerekse Şerhu’l-Makâsıd yazarı Teftâzânî, Îcî’nin iddiasını eleştirmektedir. Ali Kuşçu da eleştirilere katılır ve bilhassa Teftâzânî’nin Şerhu’l-Makâsıd’daki cümlelerinin bir kısmını yeniden dile getirir. Makalenin ilk yarısında bu eleştirilerin tarihsel sıralamaya riayet eden sistemli bir sunumu yapılmakta, ikinci yarısında (...)
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    The Influence of Niẓām al-Mulk: Potrait of An Authorizied Vizier.Nurullah Yazar - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):247-266.
    Türk ve İslam tarihinin kırılma noktalarından birisi 1040 yılında Selçuklular ile Gazneliler arasında cereyan eden Dandanakan Savaşı’dır. Savaşın ardından Selçuklular hızlı bir yükselişle özellikle Sünnî İslam coğrafyasında etkin ve belirleyici güç haline gelmiştir. Göçebe kültürden gelen ve bir oba hüviyetinde iken çok kısa bir sürede önlenemez bir şekilde hâkimiyet alanını Türkistan coğrafyasından Anadolu içlerine kadar genişleten Büyük Selçuklu Devleti, kurumsal olarak da olgunlaşmaya başlamıştır. Bu noktada hem merkezi yönetimde hem de vilayetlerde ortaya çıkan yetişmiş eleman ihtiyacını birçoğu daha önce Gazneli (...)
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    Truth and feasible reducibility.Ali Enayat, Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):367-421.
    Let ${\cal T}$ be any of the three canonical truth theories CT^− (compositional truth without extra induction), FS^− (Friedman–Sheard truth without extra induction), or KF^− (Kripke–Feferman truth without extra induction), where the base theory of ${\cal T}$ is PA. We establish the following theorem, which implies that ${\cal T}$ has no more than polynomial speed-up over PA. Theorem.${\cal T}$is feasibly reducible to PA, in the sense that there is a polynomial time computable function f such that for every ${\cal T}$-proof (...)
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  8. D'vûd-i Karsî’nin Şerhu Îs'gûcî Adlı Eserinin Eleştirmeli Metin Neşri ve Değerlendirmesi.Ferruh Özpilavcı - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):2009-2009.
    Dâwûd al-Qarisî (Dâvûd al-Karsî) was a versatile and prolific 18th century Ottoman scholar who studied in İstanbul and Egypt and then taught for long years in various centers of learning like Egypt, Cyprus, Karaman, and İstanbul. He held high esteem for Mehmed Efendi of Birgi (Imâm Birgivî/Birgili, d.1573), out of respect for whom, towards the end of his life, Karsî, like Birgivî, occupied himself with teaching in the town of Birgi, where he died in 1756 and was buried next to (...)
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  9. A new solution to the gamer’s dilemma.Rami Ali - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (4):267-274.
    Luck (2009) argues that gamers face a dilemma when it comes to performing certain virtual acts. Most gamers regularly commit acts of virtual murder, and take these acts to be morally permissible. They are permissible because unlike real murder, no one is harmed in performing them; their only victims are computer-controlled characters, and such characters are not moral patients. What Luck points out is that this justification equally applies to virtual pedophelia, but gamers intuitively think that such acts are not (...)
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  10. The video gamer’s dilemmas.Rami Ali - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (2).
    The gamer’s dilemma offers three plausible but jointly inconsistent premises: (1) Virtual murder in video games is morally permissible. (2) Virtual paedophelia in video games is not morally permissible. (3) There is no morally relevant difference between virtual murder and virtual paedophelia in video games. In this paper I argue that the gamer’s dilemma can be understood as one of three distinct dilemmas, depending on how we understand two key ideas in Morgan Luck’s (2009) original formulation. The two ideas are (...)
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    Manteghe Riazi.M. Ardeshir & Ali Enayat - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):118-119.
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    Bringing Ethical Consumption to the Forefront in Emerging Markets: The Role of Product Categorization.Ali Besharat, Gia Nardini & Rhiannon MacDonnell Mesler - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-16.
    Emerging markets are a growing force, and the resulting increase in wealth—especially among the middle class—promotes conspicuous consumption with potentially negative impacts for societal and environmental well-being. Efforts to encourage ethical consumer behavior in emerging markets often meet various forms of consumer resistance. One reason that ethical consumption may suffer in emerging markets is because consumers have difficulty considering ethical other-focused attributes, such as Fair Trade or eco-friendly options, especially if those attributes do not directly benefit the self. Our research (...)
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    QBism Is Not So Simply Dismissed.Ali Barzegar - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (7):693-707.
    QBism is one of the main candidates for an epistemic interpretation of quantum mechanics. According to QBism, the quantum state or the wavefunction represents the subjective degrees of belief of the agent assigning the state. But, although the quantum state is not part of the furniture of the world, quantum mechanics grasps the real via the Born rule which is a consistency condition for the probability assignments of the agent. In this paper, we evaluate the plausibility of recent criticism of (...)
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  14. Philosophy and Religion in the Political Thought of Alfarabi.Ishraq Ali - 2023 - Religions 14 (7).
    Philosophy and religion were the two important sources of knowledge for medieval Arab Muslim polymaths. Owing to the difference between the nature of philosophy and religion, the interplay between philosophy and religion often takes the form of conflict in medieval Muslim thought as exemplified by the Al-Ghazali versus Averroes (Ibn Rusd) polemic. Unlike the Al-Ghazali versus Averroes (Ibn Rushd) polemic, the interplay between philosophy and religion in the political philosophy of Abu Nasr Alfarabi takes the form of harmonious co-existence. Although, (...)
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  15. Philosophy Versus Theology in Medieval Islamic Thought.Ishraq Ali & Khawla Almulla - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (5):1-8.
    The encounter of the medieval Muslims with Greek philosophy undeniably shaped the course of their philosophical and theological thought. This encounter led to the complex and contentious issue of ‘philosophy versus theology’. Medieval Muslim thinkers needed to develop a response to the issue of philosophy versus theology. The present article will first highlight the response of the Islamic theologians to their encounter with Greek philosophy in the form of three major trends in medieval Islamic theology: (1) strong opposition to the (...)
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  16. Distinguishing the virtuous city of Alfarabi from that of Plato in light of his unique historical context.Ishraq Ali & Mingli Qin - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):9.
    There is a tendency among scholars to identify Alfarabi’s political philosophy in general and his theory of the state in particular with that of Plato’s The Republic. Undoubtedly Alfarabi was well versed in the philosophy of Plato and was greatly influenced by it. He borrows the Platonic concept of the philosopher king and uses it in his theory of the state. However, we argue that the identification of Alfarabi’s virtuous city with that of Plato’s The Republic is an inaccurate assessment (...)
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    Remarks on Bolzano's Collections.Ali Behboud - 1997 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 53 (1):109-115.
  18. A Product Life Cycle Ontology for Additive Manufacturing.Munira Mohd Ali, Rahul Rai, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2019 - Computers in Industry 105:191-203.
    The manufacturing industry is evolving rapidly, becoming more complex, more interconnected, and more geographically distributed. Competitive pressure and diversity of consumer demand are driving manufacturing companies to rely more and more on improved knowledge management practices. As a result, multiple software systems are being created to support the integration of data across the product life cycle. Unfortunately, these systems manifest a low degree of interoperability, and this creates problems, for instance when different enterprises or different branches of an enterprise interact. (...)
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  19. City and Soul in Plato and Alfarabi: An Explanation for the Differences Between Plato’s and Alfarabi’s Theory of City in Terms of Their Distinct Psychology.Ishraq Ali & Mingli Qin - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (1):91-105.
    In his political treatise, Mabadi ara ahl al-madina al-fadhila, Abu Nasr Alfarabi, the medieval Muslim philosopher, proposes a theory of virtuous city which, according to prominent scholars, is modeled on Plato’s utopia of the Republic. No doubt that Alfarabi was well-versed in the philosophy of Plato and the basic framework of his theory of city is platonic. However, his theory of city is not an exact reproduction of the Republic’s theory and, despite glaring similarities, the two theories do differ in (...)
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    İki Dillilik Teorilerinin Sözlüklere Uyarlanması - İki Dilli Japonca Sözlük Örneğinde -.Ali Aycan Kolukisa - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 12):811-811.
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  21. List of Contents: Volume 19, Number 2, April 2006.Synchronization Debates, Vladimir Dzhunushaliev, Md M. Ali, A. S. Majumdar, Dipankar Home & Force Laws - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (5).
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    Çanakkale'de Bazı Geç Osmanlı Dönemi Hamamları.Ali Osman Uysal - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):1093-1093.
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  23. Ṣarkhat al-fikr al-insānī.ʻAlī Shaʻbān Usṭá - 1998 - Ṭarābulus, al-Jamāhīrīyah al-ʻUẓmá: Shuʻbat al-Tathqīf wa-al-al-Taʻbiʼah wa-al-Iʻlām, Maktab al-Ittiṣāl bi-al-Lijān al-Thawrīyah.
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  24. Moral realism and semantic accounts of moral vagueness.Ali Abasnezhad - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (3):381-393.
    Miriam Schoenfield argues that moral realism and moral vagueness imply ontic vagueness. In particular, she argues that neither shifty nor rigid semantic accounts of vagueness can provide a satisfactory explanation of moral vagueness for moral realists. This paper constitutes a response. I argue that Schoenfield's argument against the shifty semantic account presupposes that moral indeterminacies can, in fact, be resolved determinately by crunching through linguistic data. I provide different reasons for rejecting this assumption. Furthermore, I argue that Schoenfield's rejection of (...)
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    How much economic inequality is fair in liberal democracies? The approach of proportional justice.Nunzio Alì & Luigi Caranti - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (7):769-788.
    The article argues that the possibility of an unlimited gap in income and wealth between the top and bottom segments of society is incompatible with a democratic commitment to political equality. T...
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    “White Crisis” and/as “Existential Risk,” or the Entangled Apocalypticism of Artificial Intelligence.Syed Mustafa Ali - 2019 - Zygon 54 (1):207-224.
    In this article, I present a critique of Robert Geraci's Apocalyptic artificial intelligence (AI) discourse, drawing attention to certain shortcomings which become apparent when the analytical lens shifts from religion to the race–religion nexus. Building on earlier work, I explore the phenomenon of existential risk associated with Apocalyptic AI in relation to “White Crisis,” a modern racial phenomenon with premodern religious origins. Adopting a critical race theoretical and decolonial perspective, I argue that all three phenomena are entangled and they should (...)
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    Stakeholder Salience for Stakeholder Firms: An Attempt to Reframe an Important Heuristic Device.Mohammad A. Ali - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):153-168.
    This work underscores the importance of answering the question: who are organizational stakeholders? It argues that stakeholder theory is a normative management theory, and there is a need to differentiate between stakeholder and non-stakeholder firms. It further argues that the overall organizational stakeholder orientation indicates how narrowly or broadly organizations define their stakeholders. Therefore, this work attempts to provide a stakeholder salience scheme for stakeholder organizations, i.e., organizations with accommodative and proactive stakeholder orientations. In the process, this work reviews key (...)
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  28. Skepticism and the Foundations of Empirical Justification.Ali Hasan - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Washington
    A central project of traditional epistemology is to address skeptical questions and concerns regarding the rationality or epistemic justification of our empirical beliefs, especially beliefs regarding the external world, with the aim of understanding what makes it possible for such beliefs to have or lack justification, and of determining how much justification we have. A prominent anti-skeptical view in the history of epistemology, a view I shall call classical foundationalism, can be distinguished from other more contemporary versions of foundationalism in (...)
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    vagueness in the world; a Supervaluationist Approach.Davood Hosseini & Ali Abasnezhad - 2014 - In Ken Akiba & Ali Abasnezhad (eds.), Vague Objects and Vague Identity: New Essays on Ontic Vagueness. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 239-256.
    Russell once said that “Vagueness and precision alike are characteristics which can only belong to a representation, of which language is an example. They have to do with the relation between a representation and that which it represents. Apart from representation, whether cognitive or mechanical, there can be no such thing as vagueness or precision; things are what they are, and there is an end of it” (1923). In other words, expressions like ontological vagueness (and even ontological precision) are category (...)
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    Concepts of God in Islam.Zain Ali - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (12):892-904.
    This article explores the various ways in which Muslims, in the past and the present, think about God. The article canvasses a range of views on questions and puzzles pertaining to the essence and attributes of God, the basis of God's Justice, the transcendence of God, and our ability to know and understand God. We encounter a diverse, and at times radically divergent range of views on how best to understand divinity within the tradition of Islam. Given the various conceptions (...)
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    A Phenomenological Approach to Epistemic Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.Ali Barzegar - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (3):175-187.
    Generally, there are two interpretative approaches to quantum theory: psi-ontic and psi-epistemic. According to the psi-ontic interpretations, quantum theory does/should describe or represent what...
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    Tesettür Gi̇Yi̇Mi̇ Etki̇Leyen Tüketi̇M Kültürü Faktörleri̇ Üzeri̇Ne Uygulamali Bi̇R Araştirma.Ali Arslan & Melek Çaylak - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (1):41-70.
    Tesettür kavramı temel mahiyeti ve amacı açısından İslam dini kapsamında değerlendirilecek dini bir pratiktir. İslam’da kadının giyim konusundaki sınırlarının belirlenmesi, bedenin gizlenmesi açısından tesettür kavramı önem taşımaktadır. Fakat modernleşme ekseniyle değişme ve gelişmeler gösteren tesettür anlayışının, tüketim kültürü ve moda ile birleşen, bu modern çağın gereklerine ayak uyduran yeni bir tesettür anlayışı ve imajıyla karşı karşıya kaldığı görülmektedir. Özellikle gençlerin giyim tercihlerinde tesettürün modernleşme dinamiklerinden etkilenmesi söz konudur. Bu çalışmada tesettürlü gençlerin giyim tercihlerinde tesettür algısının, tüketim kültürü ve moda ile (...)
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  33. The priority of existence: Sartre and heideggers perspective.Mohammad Ali Abdollahi - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (2):191-214.
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    Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: An Anthology of Hymns by the Satpanth Ismāʿīlī Muslim Saint, Pīr ShamsSongs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: An Anthology of Hymns by the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams.Ali S. Asani & Tazim R. Kassam - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (2):327.
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    Ziarat und Pir-e-Muridi.Ali S. Asani & Harald Einzmann - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):194.
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    The Somnambulant Practice of Postmodern Architecture.Ali Aslam - 2008 - Theory and Event 11 (4).
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    Mīrdāmād.ʻAlī Awjabī - 2010 - Tihrān: Kitābkhānah, Mūzih va Markaz-i Asnād-i Majlis-i Shūrā-yi Islāmī.
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    The creation of world and the comparison of Quranic verses with Big Bang theory.Ali Baghirov - 2018 - Metafizika 1 (4):76-84.
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    (1 other version)Books in Review.Ali Behdad - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (6):883-888.
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    La raison et la question des limites.Ali Benmakhlouf (ed.) - 1997 - Casablanca: Editions le Fennec.
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    Early Muslim concept of epistemology.Ali El-Konaissi - 2003 - Gent: Communication & Cognition.
  42. Religion and poverty a qur'anic approach.Asghar Ali Engineer - 2007 - Journal of Dharma 32 (4):371-378.
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  43. Berkeley's Ontology and Islamic Mysticism.Waheed Ali Farooqi - 1966 - In Warren E. Steinkraus (ed.), New studies in Berkeley's philosophy. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
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  44. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Change in Six Social Sciences : A Longitudinal Comparison.Scott Frickel & Ali O. Ilhan - 2017 - In Scott Frickel, Mathieu Albert & Barbara Prainsack (eds.), Investigating interdisciplinary collaboration: theory and practice across disciplines. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
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  45. Uṣūl al-tarbiyah.Aḥmad ʻAlī Funayyish - 1982 - Lībiyā: al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-Kitāb.
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    Shaw as an Evolutionist in Arms and the Man.Muhammad Iqbal & Amjad Ali - unknown - Dialogue 8 (2):227.
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  47. Naẓarīyat al-maʻrifah ʻinda al-falāsifah al-Muslimī ʻAlī Jābir - 2004 - [Beirut]: Dār al-Hādī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  48. A priori Knowledge.Ali Asghar Khandan - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (1):187-206.
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  49. Causution.Ali Asghar Khandan - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 3 (2):165-201.
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    Legal scholarship as an act of discovery.L. Ali Khan - manuscript
    This Article explores the process of discovering legal scholarship. One may read, read, and read cases and statutes and articles to generate one's own piece of scholarship. But research, though necessary, does not produce durable scholarship. Lasting scholarship is like discovering penicillin. It is like capturing a fleeting revelation. It is an experience reported in language. True legal scholarship is researched poetry of the highest order. Rumi, Frost, Keats would have been great legal scholars. (This article might benefit new law (...)
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